922201_10151521181236598_910321300_oSu Gould’s nod to the Midwest Bird Expo!

And here we go yet again! I love this event because it’s not far from where I grew up. And I run into some really wonderful people. Irena Schulz, Su Gould, Paula Rossow, Nancy Walker and Linnea Nichoson Faris will be there and I always look forward to seeing them.


Meeting Theresa!


A reunion with one of my scarves and her new owner!


Angela’s infectious smile made ME smile!

The Avicultural Society of Chicagoland is once again hosting the Midwest Bird Expo next Saturday, May 11th.


Amy Bergman? Are you coming too?

The event runs all day and there is a great lineup of speakers. I’ll be speaking too. My presentation, “The Chop Revolution” is on the program.


Here’s the link for all of the information you’ll be needing in order to attend. Click on the image for the link:


Jason Crean is one of the principles behind planning it and I simply love how he manages to integrate education, information and fun into the program. There is so much to see with dozens and dozens of vendors, demonstrations and local groups showing off their expertise.


It really is a wonderful time! So, I’ll be winging my way to Chicago next week for this amazing annual event. I always look forward to attending because I get together with old friends and always make new ones.  Please make plans to attend! I’m looking forward to seeing you there!
