
Parrot Nation

Parrots are cool. They are also one hell of a lot of work.




I had to run to a big box Superstore to get some pellets. Don't like doing it much but the place isn't far and I was damned near out. I also picked up a few reasonably priced toys. I took... Continue Reading →

Who Said Pet Food has to Look Like Slop?

Maggie's Manicotti: Yes, this is Parrot food. I made this this morning. It is food for my birds. It's pretty, it's healthy and it was a pain in the ass to make. But it's good, healthy food for my African... Continue Reading →

Kelly Moore Parsley and Her Own Personal, “Hotel California”

Kelly at lunch, looking a bit tired...and it was well deserved. Kelly Moore Parsley, along with Bonnie Grafton did some phenomonal work at the Parrot Garden. Unlike me, where I was doing general heavy cleaning and  long term scrubbing, Bonnie... Continue Reading →

Puzzler Foraging Blocks are well, Fantastic!

I received a package from Kris Porter a couple of weeks ago. Kris Porter is a whiz at creating foraging toys and  has a wonderful website called Parrot Enrichment. Kris is also very well known for her Parrot Enrichment Activity... Continue Reading →

Karaoke Parker

When I was a kid, one of the things I wanted to be was a cartoonist. This, along with wanting to be an  actress, dancer, broadway performer, television commercial director, lawyer and writer. (My father always said to me, "Kid,... Continue Reading →


Parker, eating bean mix. What else can we do? We try to keep our birds happy, well-fed, trained and healthy. Most of us work at it. We learn everything we can and try our best to provide a suitable environment... Continue Reading →

Kris Porter and the “Parrot Enrichment” Website

Kris Porter put together an absolutely incredible book and website about parrot enrichment. There are enough ideas in both to keep your birds busy for years. The book is free and downloadable and it's absolutely packed with cool ideas to... Continue Reading →

Phone Books

I have risen to a challenge. My friend Irena Schulz, Founder of "Bird Lovers Only Rescue" and Snowball the Dancing Cockatoo's Caregiver made a comment a while back about how she thought that I could write about phone books and... Continue Reading →

Dani At Dogtown

I was up at Angel Canyon with Brandy and Patti having some lunch and ran into DogTown Caregiver Tom with his good friend Dani:

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