
Parrot Nation

Parrots are cool. They are also one hell of a lot of work.


information about parrots

Aging Is a Contact Sport

I don't know how to put it other than what the title states. It isn't easy and I doubt those with no life experience would do well dealing with it. Ironic, isn't it? But those who survive being young, advancing... Continue Reading →

Writing From the Trenches: Guest Blogger Bonnie Grafton

Life runs fast and mean in this town.                                                             -Hunter S.... Continue Reading →

Gettin’ Jiggy With It

How can you be creative with your flock's diet? How can you change up your routine and keep things fresh not only for you, but for your birds? Robin Shewokis would call this enrichment.  My friend Melissa calls them "Condiments."... Continue Reading →

“Fall-Back Autumn Chop”

It's Autumn. Time for the root vegetables, squashes and pumpkins. The reason I call this version, "Fall Back Autumn Chop" is because we made it on Saturday, the 2nd of November, the day everyone turns the clocks back one hour.... Continue Reading →

Chopping the Exotic

I'm getting ready to do a pretty big batch of Chop this coming weekend. So I have to do a little shopping. I discovered a little store a couple of miles away from me called the World Market. One day... Continue Reading →

The Crush

My first Grey Parker has developed yet another crush. I never wrote about this issue in the Column, Memo to Parker and Pepper because I didn't quite know how to approach it. Parker has a terrible habit of developing crushes... Continue Reading →

The AFA and Why It Makes Me Crazy

You meet the most amazing people at the AFA. And you get gossip and fashion tips! (With Tim Gunn) Learning is hard. It's draining. You get tired. You get cranky. (Well, I do..) But that's how it is. You'd think... Continue Reading →

The AFA Conference 2013

We do have fun! I'm headed out tomorrow on a ten a.m. flight for the AFA Conference and Expo in Raleigh Durham. Here's a link to their Event page at Facebook: AFA. They are changing things up a bit this... Continue Reading →

Avian Origami

Let's get a closer look at this: I'll explain the "Paper Snowdrift" photo above, but here is the background story on Byron, the artist who created this: Byron is my newest foster. It's a long story that spans a decade.... Continue Reading →

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