
Parrot Nation

Parrots are cool. They are also one hell of a lot of work.


preparing food for birds

Food Expiration Dates Aren’t Telling You What You Think

So many people seem to be getting very concerned about the quality of food they buy in grocery stores, supermarkets, big box stores as well as farmers markets. Many people now want their food GMO-free, organic and essentially untouched by... Continue Reading →

A Brief History Of A Revolution

Thanks Su! I've been writing about the Chop Concept for almost five years and it seems that this method of feeding your birds has not only picked up speed, it is becoming the way of feeding flocks in households all over... Continue Reading →

Gettin’ Jiggy With It

How can you be creative with your flock's diet? How can you change up your routine and keep things fresh not only for you, but for your birds? Robin Shewokis would call this enrichment.  My friend Melissa calls them "Condiments."... Continue Reading →

“Fall-Back Autumn Chop”

It's Autumn. Time for the root vegetables, squashes and pumpkins. The reason I call this version, "Fall Back Autumn Chop" is because we made it on Saturday, the 2nd of November, the day everyone turns the clocks back one hour.... Continue Reading →

Chopping the Exotic

I'm getting ready to do a pretty big batch of Chop this coming weekend. So I have to do a little shopping. I discovered a little store a couple of miles away from me called the World Market. One day... Continue Reading →

Community Chop at Phoenix Landing

  Image found here: McConnell, IL History Making Chop with a crowd of people is not unlike a frontier Barn Raising. You have a specific goal in mind and everyone takes part making it a group effort. With everyone helping... Continue Reading →

Have Patience

This is a Grain Bake. This took five minutes of prep time and about an hour and a half in the oven. It's good for your birds. It's easy to make and a snap to bag up and freeze. The... Continue Reading →

Grain Bake: So Easy, You’ll Wonder Why You Even Asked

You've been asking me how to make a Grain Bake. And I haven't answered you. Here is why: It's like asking someone how to put toothpaste onto a toothbrush. It's easy to do, but it's difficult to explain. It's always... Continue Reading →

Chasing My Tail and Getting Somewhere

Ack! While things are tending to head south in the altitude area of my life, things have picked up speed in the bird world. I kind of suspected they might this year, but this flying jazz is getting in the... Continue Reading →

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