
Parrot Nation

Parrots are cool. They are also one hell of a lot of work.


american federation of aviculture

Wrestling With Words

I have more to say about the AFA Conference, but it's been a tough subject to tackle. I have three more posts to publish here. However, I want to be very clear about what I say and how I say... Continue Reading →

The AFA and Why It Makes Me Crazy

You meet the most amazing people at the AFA. And you get gossip and fashion tips! (With Tim Gunn) Learning is hard. It's draining. You get tired. You get cranky. (Well, I do..) But that's how it is. You'd think... Continue Reading →

Down the Rabbit Hole at the AFA Conference

I returned from the AFA Conference in Raleigh-Durham last week and I haven't posted about it yet because I had to hit the ground running. And my brain hurts. My thoughts on the conference will take several installments because there... Continue Reading →

The AFA Conference 2013

We do have fun! I'm headed out tomorrow on a ten a.m. flight for the AFA Conference and Expo in Raleigh Durham. Here's a link to their Event page at Facebook: AFA. They are changing things up a bit this... Continue Reading →

Midwest Bird Expo 2013: A Success Story

Billy, Jason Crean's Aracari. I attended the 2013 Midwest Bird Expo this past weekend. I was lucky enough to be a speaker and did my presentation, "The Chop Revolution."  Su Gould, who is an absolute whiz with graphics, designed this... Continue Reading →

Chasing My Tail and Getting Somewhere

Ack! While things are tending to head south in the altitude area of my life, things have picked up speed in the bird world. I kind of suspected they might this year, but this flying jazz is getting in the... Continue Reading →

If It Bleeds…It Leads.

Obviously, "Holly Hobbie" doesn't sell around here... Why does negativity sell? And why does it, and all of the controversy following it get everyone's attention? I have published so many happy and wonderful stories on here. Great stuff about good... Continue Reading →


Paula and Moi Catching Up at the AFA Where would be without it? In the bird world it seems that something is always going on and people have a tendency to disagree more than they agree. Sides are taken, opinions are... Continue Reading →

The AFA and My Schedule From Hell

Those are Victoria Crowned Pigeons... "Mom! She's panicing again!" Well, I'm really not. But scheduling everything I need to get done is proving to be a challenge. But one thing I could not miss was the American Federation of Aviculture... Continue Reading →

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