
Parrot Nation

Parrots are cool. They are also one hell of a lot of work.


Kelly Moore Parsley

Negotiating the Emotional Trenches

Spock. You were loved... The after-effects of an emotional time tends to wear you out. Best Friends sometimes has that effect on the people who volunteer. While confronting the work that they do, you tend to examine yourself. Here are... Continue Reading →

Kelly Moore Parsley and Her Own Personal, “Hotel California”

Kelly at lunch, looking a bit tired...and it was well deserved. Kelly Moore Parsley, along with Bonnie Grafton did some phenomonal work at the Parrot Garden. Unlike me, where I was doing general heavy cleaning and  long term scrubbing, Bonnie... Continue Reading →

Bonnie Grafton: Thoughts on Kanab…and Best Friends

Bonnie Grafton and Kelly Moore Parsley are old hands at running an aviary and working with birds. They like macaws and what is more, macaws like them. Bonnie owns Bonnie's Birds in Port Charlotte, Florida with her business partner, Rebecca... Continue Reading →

Social Butterfly

Wendy's pooches... I've been remiss in getting my posts out because I've had numerous social obligations. Between working at the Parrot Garden during the day and a few social obligations in the evening, I've been hard-pressed to get posts out.... Continue Reading →

Dusty and Smudgy

If there is one thing I always try to do at best Friends, it's the jobs nobody else wants to do. One of them is cleaning. I learned that the way to endear yourself to the Staff is to clean.... Continue Reading →

Truckin’ to Best Friends

Layla, a Michael Vick Dog After an exhausting and surrealistic stop in Las Vegas at the Flamingo Hotel, Janet Hilton, Wellington, and I took off yesterday to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary where we met up with Bonnie Grafton and Kelly... Continue Reading →

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