
Parrot Nation

Parrots are cool. They are also one hell of a lot of work.


AFA Conference

Down the Rabbit Hole at the AFA Conference

I returned from the AFA Conference in Raleigh-Durham last week and I haven't posted about it yet because I had to hit the ground running. And my brain hurts. My thoughts on the conference will take several installments because there... Continue Reading →

The AFA Conference 2013

We do have fun! I'm headed out tomorrow on a ten a.m. flight for the AFA Conference and Expo in Raleigh Durham. Here's a link to their Event page at Facebook: AFA. They are changing things up a bit this... Continue Reading →


Paula and Moi Catching Up at the AFA Where would be without it? In the bird world it seems that something is always going on and people have a tendency to disagree more than they agree. Sides are taken, opinions are... Continue Reading →

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